
detective agency moscow
license мвд рф 50чд2021000323

your guarantee
- our reputation
strictly confidential
promptly and professionally
we have been working in russia
and abroad since 2010

Select any type of connection by clicking on the link: Telegram, Whatsapp, E-mail.

Detective agency «Pravo» is elite and provides detective services for those who can financially order them - Professional services are expensive. We organize search, collect and check information of different directions, analyze and build an algorithm of actions for a specific situation. There are no recurring orders in execution, new creative methods are always used and various resources that require financial costs are involved. We are Guarantee Professional and Prompt execution of your Order - You get Result and Confidentiality, you do not need to worry about contacting us, we do not save any data about the Customer and the results of the work. The relationship between Us is building Trusted and Respectful. The office is located in Moscow, we carry out detective work throughout Russia, the CIS and abroad.


Collecting interesting information about a person, about an object
from $1100


Establishing a lifestyle, fixing contacts, etc.
from $1100

private investigations

Establishing the truth, collecting information, eyewitnesses, witnesses
from $10150

private search for people, classroom partners, relatives, etc.

Establishment of complete data, contacts, etc.
from $1100

private search for debtors and aliment

Operational search in Russia and abroad
from $7900

personnel check

Collection and verification of the data provided by the candidate
from $1100

checking firms and business partners

Collection and verification of information, accounts, balance, property, exposure of fraudsters
from $5650

it - internet

Search and establishment of data in the global network, messengers, social networks. networks, etc.
from $1700

information abroad

Collection and verification of information of interest about a person, about an object
from $10150

About us

The detective agency «Pravo» was established in 2010 by a retired officer - a senior operative for particularly important cases, a combat veteran, awarded state awards. Based on the License of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 50CHD2021000323, our agency provides detective services in Russia, CIS and abroad. The detective agency «Pravo» employs experienced, qualified and professional detectives with higher education, many years of experience - exclusively the operational staff of various security services of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense - retired officers. Each Detective professionally performs his work at a high proper level.

Today's market of detective services on the Internet is saturated with unprofessional personnel, or «civilian trainees» who received a license after a three-month training period without any experience in detective work, or simply scammers without licenses who allegedly guarantee 100% results. Keep in mind that when performing any task, there is a risk, or force majeure, which a real Professional takes into account and negotiates with the Customer.

The cost of our services, at first glance, may seem expensive, but after solving your family, business and other problems, in practice it will be justified. Buying a cheap product, you consciously accept its original poor quality or questionable origin. Therefore, be careful when choosing a private detective - the detective agency «Pravo» provides Professional services.


The measures we propose are focused not only on results, but also on minimizing time and financial costs. Because the customer's gratitude is important to us. There are no hopeless situations!

Principles of the private detective «Pravo»


Your secrets are strictly guarded, all data is destroyed after work


Knowledge and experience allow us to provide services professionally


The data verified by us is your correct confident decisions


We act in the legal field – within the framework of the current legislation


The outcome of the case depends on the speed of finding people and collecting information


There are people behind every story: their feelings and destinies


  • Free preliminary consultation by phone, email, telegram, whatsapp
  • Receiving input data from the Customer to determine the terms of performance and cost of the service
  • Payment via the SBR (fast payment system) to a bank card linked to a mobile number, as well as cryptocurrency
  • Information gathering / Detective activities
  • Providing a report


Private detective agency «Pravo» has an impeccable reputation in the market of detective services. There may be cases when fraudsters or unscrupulous colleagues may present themselves as employees of our agency. To recognize scammers, remember the following:

Detective agency «Pravo»

Photo of the detective's licensePhoto of the detective's licensePhoto of the detective's licensePhoto of the detective's license
©2010-2024 detective agency «pravo» Moscow license of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 50CHD2021000323 Copying, using, or referring to information from the site is prohibited