
detective agency moscow
license мвд рф 50чд2021000323

your guarantee
- our reputation
strictly confidential
promptly and professionally
we have been working in russia
and abroad since 2010

We value Our Reputation - this is the face of the company!

We HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE to provide detective services WITHOUT EXPLANATION.

Detective Agency «Pravo» has been operating since 2010 on the basis of the License of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 50CHD20210003323. We only have positive ratings and recommendations. The control is carried out by the Head personally, which, in turn, leads to the fulfillment of each of the orders responsibly and efficiently. Based on the results of the services provided, only reliable information is provided. Professional ethics imposes restrictions on the dissemination of our customers' data and their feedback, as people of different social statuses turn to us - from socially unprotected pensioners to well-known politicians, businessmen and artists. Our main principles are openness, efficiency, reliability, professionalism, so we do not mislead the customer about the price, timing and predicted result. Every detail is discussed in detail and the detailed terms of the order are agreed upon and will not change in the future. The payment is 100%, it is necessary for overhead costs in order to immediately begin the task. Our website is officially registered on the Russian domain in Russia, contacts are reflected on the website, documents and data for detective work are not laid out, in order to avoid their use by fraudsters. We are always in touch and inform the customer about the progress of the order. Contacting us and collecting information on your order are strictly CONFIDENTIAL and are not disclosed to third parties .

Since we are open and transparent to each customer, therefore, in case of force majeure obstacles, as a result of which the order was not fulfilled, we immediately refund the money back.

Select any type of connection by clicking on the link: Telegram, Whatsapp, E-mail, +7 (915) 001-00-25.

Detective agency «Pravo»

Photo of the detective's licensePhoto of the detective's licensePhoto of the detective's licensePhoto of the detective's license
©2010-2024 detective agency «pravo» Moscow license of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 50CHD2021000323 Copying, using, or referring to information from the site is prohibited