Detective Agency
Eduard Nikolaevich

  • your guarantee - our reputation
  • strictly confidential
  • efficiently and professionally
  • across Russia and abroad
  • in business since 2010

MIA license of the Russian Federation 50ЧД2021000323

The Search for a Biological Mother by a Daughter 40 Years Later

A man from one of Russia’s regions contacted the Detective Agency of Grozny Eduard Nikolayevich with an unusual request — to locate the biological mother of his wife. The woman, now 40 years old, had only recently discovered that she had been adopted. She overheard this information accidentally in a conversation between her adoptive mother and a friend shortly before the adoptive mother’s passing. Now, she wanted to uncover the truth about her origins.

The Challenge of the Case

The task was challenging, as it involved events from 40 years ago, and many official records are only kept for 10 years before being destroyed. Despite the difficulties, the detective agency took on the challenge. We are committed to helping our clients, even when the odds are slim, because the truth is valuable in itself — whether the outcome is positive or negative.

The initial information provided for the investigation was minimal: only the mother’s name, approximate age, and the city where she might have lived at the time were known. However, our detectives proceeded, undeterred by the difficulties. We began by tracing connections in the region where the biological mother was believed to have lived and gradually reconstructed her life leading up to the girl’s adoption.

Discovery of the Mother’s Identity

Through the investigation, we not only uncovered the exact details of the biological mother but also found witnesses who remembered her from early childhood. Neighbors recalled the little girl, up to the age of 5 or 6, and these recollections became key to the success of the search.

Unfortunately, by the time her identity was confirmed, the mother was no longer alive — she had tragically died in a car accident, struck by a truck. Delivering this news was difficult, and our detectives approached it with care. We prepared the client for the possibility of unfavorable news, given the mother’s advanced age and long absence from the daughter’s life.

A New Hope

But the story didn’t end there. During the investigation, it was revealed that the wife had a half-brother living in another city. We reached out to him, and the siblings were finally able to reunite after 40 years apart. This reunion brought a glimmer of hope to an otherwise challenging and emotional journey.


Even when circumstances seem nearly hopeless, the professionalism and perseverance of detectives can help restore lost family connections. If you have questions about your past or the fates of loved ones, we are here to help you uncover the truth, no matter how difficult it may be.

© 2010-2025 Grozny Edward Nikolaevich Detective Agency, Moscow. Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs License 50ЧД2021000323. Copying, using, or referencing information from the website is prohibited