
detective agency moscow
license мвд рф 50чд2021000323

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we have been working in russia
and abroad since 2010

Teen in danger in bad company

The teenager's mother, who turned to the detective agency «Pravo» in time, saved her son from the influence of bad company and from committing a crime by him.

This story began without foreshadowing any trouble in the near future, the teenager abruptly began to behave impudently, unprincipled, did not notice his parents, snapped at the neighbors, missed lessons, came late, then with the smell of tobacco, and sometimes alcohol. The parents tried to talk to the teenage child themselves, to find out the reasons for this behavior. However , in response , they heard: «Don't get into my life!», and sometimes obscene language. With such rude behavior, our detectives often meet and have professional experience in solving teenage problems.

The detectives of the agency «Pravo» studied the presented psychological characteristics of parents about the teenager, drew up an action plan to establish the circle of communication of the teenager, the places visited. During the observation, it was established that the teenager got into bad company. Under the influence of older comrades, he smoked, consumed weak alcoholic beverages, while he was constantly provoked to commit robbery.

The participants of the bad campaign were all identified, the relevant materials were transferred to law enforcement agencies. Our hero was removed from the influence of this campaign and returned to normal life and studies.

The assumption of such a situation is the last stage from which it will be impossible to withdraw a teenager. Therefore, contact the detective agency «Pravo» in a timely manner, since such changes do not occur simultaneously.

Detective agency «Pravo»

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