Detective Agency
Eduard Nikolaevich

  • your guarantee - our reputation
  • strictly confidential
  • efficiently and professionally
  • across Russia and abroad
  • in business since 2010

MIA license of the Russian Federation 50ЧД2021000323

Hiding Assets During Divorce

Divorce is always a challenging and painful process, especially when one spouse tries to deceive the other. Imagine this scenario: a husband, the head of a large Russian company, had been hiding his true financial situation from his wife for years. She only knew about their house, two cars, and his official salary of 100,000 rubles. Completely unaware of the true scale of his wealth, which included shares, properties, and dividends from multiple companies, she was shocked when he coldly announced their divorce and the impending "equal" division of assets.

At first, the husband became distant, and his late returns home became routine until he finally declared his decision. The wife, naturally, tried to understand the reason for this drastic change, attempting to save their family, but all her efforts were in vain. The husband was firm, insisting on dividing their shared assets, of which she only had a vague understanding.

In her search for the truth and to uncover her husband's real motives, the deceived wife sought help from professionals – Eduard Nikolaevich Grozny's Detective Agency.

Our experienced detectives immediately began their investigation. Step by step, analyzing information and verifying facts, they uncovered a carefully hidden truth. It turned out that the husband had a young mistress whom he planned to marry, leaving his ex-wife almost penniless.

But the most significant discovery was yet to come: the detectives found an entire network of hidden assets, including properties both in Russia and abroad, a significant stock portfolio, and a steady income from dividends in companies where the husband was a founder. All of this had been meticulously concealed from the wife, who had no idea about the sums involved.

Russian law clearly regulates the division of property in divorce. Everything acquired during the marriage – both movable and immovable property, shares, financial resources, and other assets – must be divided equally.

Thanks to the professionalism and persistence of the team at Eduard Nikolaevich Grozny's Detective Agency, the ex-wife and her children were not left without financial means. Justice prevailed, and the deception was exposed. This family’s story is a shining example of the importance of fighting for your rights and seeking help from experts in difficult life situations.

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